What I'm Eating Each Day

I don't eat three meals a day, rather I usually eat between 4 and 6 times a day.  I try to eat something soon after I get up in the morning, a little something before I go to bed, and, otherwise, just when I feel hungry.  I normally don't keep anything here to drink other than tap water and decaf coffee so, other than especially bemoaning the cost of the coffee now, there won't be any changes made there.  I'll list things here together as I ate them at a sitting.  (My "half" sandwiches are made on large bread so are, in fact, somewhere between the size of a standard half and standard whole.)

Oct 1
coffee and 1 slice cheese toast
about a cup and a half Southwest chicken soup
2 slices cheese toast
about a cup and a half Southwest chicken soup
half a peanut butter and raisin on whole wheat sandwich

Oct 2
coffee and 2 slices cheese toast
about a cup of Southwest chicken soup
apple slices, spread with peanut butter and eaten with raisins
about a cup and a half Southwest chicken soup
half a peanut butter and raisin on whole wheat sandwich

Oct 3
coffee, an apple, and 2 slices cheese toast
half a peanut butter and raisin on whole wheat sandwich
about a cup and half Southwest chicken soup
asparagus, boiled egg, dressing, and olive plate
half an egg salad sandwich on whole wheat

Oct 4
coffee, with apple slices spread w/peanut butter and eaten with raisins
half an egg salad sandwich on whole wheat
small slice of cake (served in a group I attended)
2 eggs scrambled with spinach, onion, garlic, and eaten with canned tomatoes
half a peanut butter and raisin on whole wheat sandwich
cheese toast and a bunch of grapes

Oct 5
coffee, 2 slices cheese toast and a bunch of grapes
half a peanut butter and raisin on whole wheat sandwich
1 banana
tortilla chips and salsa
3 "9 Cent" cookies
2 "9 Cent" cookies topped with a little peanut butter

Oct 6
coffee, 2 cookies, 1 banana
chips and salsa
1 tangerine
1/2 tuna salad sandwich on whole wheat
3 cookies
1 banana dipped in chopped hazelnuts

Oct 7
coffee, cookies
1/2 tuna salad sandwich w/greens on whole wheat
Marsala chicken and rice
1 apple, sliced, with peanut butter

Oct 8
coffee, cookies
Marsala chicken and rice
1 apple, sliced, with peanut butter
1 tangerine
1/2 tuna salad sandwich w/greens on whole wheat

Oct 9
coffee, bacon
tortilla chips and salsa
veggie/cheese quesadilla

Oct 10
coffee, 1 apple, sliced, with peanut butter and raisins
Marsala chicken and rice

Oct 11
cheese toast and grapes
beans and rice

Oct 12
apple french toast casserole
fast food meal

Oct 13
coffee, apple french toast casserole
beans and rice and cheese
1/2 sndwch (tuna salad and field greens on whole wheat)

Oct 14
apple french toast casserole
cheese toast and grapes
veggie quesadilla w/salsa

Oct 15
coffee, apple french toast casserole
1/2 stuffed baked potato (w/spinach and cheese)
1 apple with peanut butter
handful dark chocolate chips

Oct 16
frozen yogurt and 1 banana
1/2 stuffed baked potato (w/spinach and cheese)
curried pumpkin soup
1/2 stuffed acorn squash (w/apples and veggies)
tortilla chips and salsa

Oct 17
curried pumpkin soup
1/2 stuffed acorn squash
smoked sausage sandwich w/veggies
curried pumpkin soup
frozen yogurt
1/2 sandwich (peanut butter and raisins on whole wheat)